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Berkat Cahaya Novena

Berkat Cahaya Novena

PT. Berkat Cahaya Novena (BCN) is a company that produces high quality flour made from quality ingredients. To showcase these quality products, we take photos of all the procedures required in the process of making the flour.

Berkat Cahaya Novena

Di dalam pabrik pembuatan tepung roti ini kami diharuskan mengenakan baju khusus agar bias masuk dan melihat serta mengambil foto segala proses yang sedang berlangsung. Di dalam pabrik tersebut suhunya sangat panas, karena oven yang berada di pabrik sangat banyak dan suhu tersebut dibutuhkan agar roti tetap kering.

Berkat Cahaya Novena

This process is very long and of course requires precision when doing it to get the desired results. This process is what we saw and took photos to display on the Blessing of Light Novena website. However, even though we are indoors with hot temperatures, we are still enthusiastic about taking pictures as our main mission is to make customers happy.

Berkat Cahaya Novena

After going through this long process, the bread flour will be packed in packaging that is ready to be marketed to consumers.

Kartu Nama Berkat Cahaya Novena

Kartu Nama Berkat Cahaya Novena

The following is a business card with a design displayed with a textured background taken from wheat which is similar to the Blessing of Light Novena logo so that it looks attractive and harmonious. The information displayed on this business card is complete and makes it easy for the person who receives this business card to read and accept the information stated on the Blessing of Light Novena business card.

Packaging Tepug Roti Berkat Cahaya Novena

Packaging Tepug Roti Berkat Cahaya Novena

Berkat Cahaya Novena bread flour packaging is designed with 3 types with different colors to indicate the types of bread flour that have been packaged. And the packaging has a section that displays the type of bread flour texture so that consumers can choose the type of bread flour according to their needs.

Berkat Cahaya Novena Company Profile

Berkat Cahaya Novena Company Profile

Company Berkat Cahaya Novena is a website that has the information that consumers need. Complete with background, product types and contacts from the Novena Light Blessing company.

Berkat Cahaya Novena Company Profile

Di dalam produk yang ditampilkan pada website company profile ini menampilkan beragam jenis tepung roti yang diproduksi, dan tidak hanya jenis tepung saja, ada juga jenis-jenis oven yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat roti dari Elektrode Oven dan Gas Rotary Oven, tepung roti yang dihasilkan dari Electode oven biasanya digunakan untuk kebutuhan seafood, tepung rotinya pun berwarna putih. Sedangkan tepung roti yang dihasilkan dari Gas Rotary Oven ini digunakan untuk produk olahan ayam chicken nugget, risoles dan banyak lagi, dan warna tepung rotinya adalah orange.

Berkat Cahaya Novena Company Profile

The products displayed on the company profile website show various types of bread flour produced, and not only types of flour, there are also types of ovens needed to make bread from Electrode Ovens and Gas Rotary Ovens, bread flour produced from Electode The oven is usually used for seafood needs, the bread flour is also white. Meanwhile, the bread flour produced from the Gas Rotary Oven is used for processed chicken products, chicken nuggets, rissoles and many more, and the color of the bread flour is orange.

Berkat Cahaya Novena Company Profile

Each bread flour produced has a different texture and color, with different needs. In this Company Profile, it is also explained that each of these needs makes it easier for consumers to choose the right bread flour that suits their needs.